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Updated: Sep 13, 2020

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The Opportunity of Disruption

Most of us are experiencing disruption right now. Either you have much less to do, much more to do, or all new ways to figure out what to do. Finding a helpful rhythm for life helps us be intentional about things that are important. Let’s use this moment of disruption to grow as followers of Jesus.

1. Pause for prayer & scripture

Take time to remember or consider God. Many people find it helpful to start the day in quiet prayer and scripture. Ground your day by connecting with God.

2. Create a gratitude ritual

Draw your attention to the things for which you are grateful.  Be intentional about noticing what is good and hopeful. 

3. Exercise or go for a walk

If at all possible, while maintaining proper social distancing, exercise or go for a walk through your neighborhood. Take care of your body and engage with God’s bigger world.

4. Limit screen time and escapist behaviors

It will be very easy to indulge in escapist behaviors. Find ways to limit your intake of things like alcohol, social media, television, sugar, staying up late, etc. Do things that are life-giving and feed your soul instead.

5. Overflow

How can the blessing of God that flows to you also flow through you? Who can you serve or bless today? Try calling someone elderly to see if they need help with anything. Call someone who you know is quarantined alone and let them know you are thinking about them. 

6. Virtual community during the week

Physical distance doesn’t have to equal relational distance. Make a commitment to connect with us in a virtual Bible Study. Explore God’s Word and make new friends.

4801 Sun Valley Drive
El Paso, TX 79924
Worship | Sundays at 2pm
(915) 257-1431

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