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We’re a community of people partnering with God to transform lives and bless our city.

A community of people connecting beyond a specific time or place.
Imagine a community where you can find hope, purpose, and friendships, even during a season of social-distancing and uncertainty. Even while life is changing, it’s a place to explore faith and discover a deeper connection with God.
It’s a church that exists not just for itself, but For You and For El Paso.
And, it’s more than a place, it’s the people of The Pentecostals of El Paso, and we can’t wait to connect with you.

At The Pentecostals of El Paso, there are no perfect people. There is only humanity - created by a God
that loved us so much that He came to die for us.
We understand that there is no cookie-cutter path towards Jesus; everyone is on their
own unique journey containing stories of victory, loss, joy, and sorrow.
Filled with radical love and vibrant mercy, we are standing in your corner, here to serve and assist as your journey unfolds.
Mark 12:31 | 1 Cor. 13:13 | James 2:13 | Luke 6:36
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